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Pharmacy Residency Podcast

Jan 28, 2018

This is an episode where I get to talk directly to you in between our usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday interviews.

In this episode, I highlight what's coming up and what I've listened to recently in the podcasting world and blogosphere.

Special thanks to CorConsultRx for his Instagram promotion featuring my book Memorizing Pharmacology: A Relaxed Approach. Here's his giveaway page:

Full Transcript: 


Welcome to the Pharmacy Leaders Podcast with your host Tony Guerra. The Pharmacy Leaders Podcast is a member of the Pharmacy Podcast Network with interviews and advice on building your professional network, brand and a purposeful second income from students, residents and innovative professionals.

Welcome to a Special Sunday edition of Pharmacy Leaders Podcast. I'm reading this book or listening to it on audible called Getting Things Done and I had a little bit of break-in time and so I'm going to go over the episodes that we expect to see on the Pharmacy Leaders Podcast in this coming up week and then do a little bit of quick rundown of some podcast episodes that I recommend that you listen to. Sunday's are generally my long-run day, so I'll run hopefully two hours today, maybe a little bit more. I feel 14 miles would be a good amount today. So I load up on the podcast episodes that I'm listening to and go out and do it.

So this week on the Pharmacy Leaders Podcast we're going to have Jackie Boyle who's doing a new series Women in Leadership and she'll be the primary interviewer and she's going to be picking the interviewees that she feels are contributing or demonstrating through their actions, support of women in leadership. On Wednesday we're going to have the big announcement for the three stipends, travel stipends for APHA and we'll hear from Jackie Boyle who will take the extrovert side, how does an extrovert network. Now you might think that that's intuitive, extroverts just go out there and talk to people but really as an extrovert sometimes listening is the biggest challenge, to really listen to what the other person is saying, make sure to follow up on those types of things and then on Friday we'll hear from Brandon Dyson of TLDR pharmacy who'll take the introvert side, what are some recommendations for an introvert and how they might engage and network to make sure that if they want to go to, you know, X region for their a career that they're going to be one of the top candidates because they're going to know people and they're going to be in that fast-track group.

So in terms of other podcasts that I listened to this week, I am a voracious podcast listener. I go to, I have a long commute on Monday Wednesdays. So that's about 90 minutes that I listen to each Monday Wednesday and then I always on Sunday is my long run. So about two hours, 14 miles is what I'll do today and I either have listened to or I've stacked these as something that I'm going to listen to.

So let's first talk about the mothership the Pharmacy Podcast Network. We had an episode about the making an impact in the opioid epidemic and that was on Monday and also we had an episode from Dr. Maurice Shaw, the doctor of comedy joining Adam Martin the fit pharmacist to talk about how laughter can be sometimes the best medicine and talk about some of the physiology and chemistry that goes along with that but that really we always tend to think about the medicines and how the patient needs to take them but also maybe we should think of some of the things outside of medicine to help them as well. We saw Mike Johnston, CPHT who is the CEO of the National Pharmacy Technician Association on Wednesday and I know I met him one time actually but we're both national authors, I write for Elsevier Pharmacy Technician, book for them and then he also has a nationally published book. So I encourage you to listen to Mike Johnston especially if you have pharmacy technicians in your life or you're a pharmacy technician. Aaron Albert interviews Dory Clark who is from the Duke University Fuqua School of Business, she's a professional speaker and she talks a bit about what it is to reinvent and help others make changes in their lives. Then the Pharmacy Inspection Podcast, Ethan Brian  will talk with Brad Dylan, he's a pharmacist and certified surveyor and consultant for the Accreditation Committee for Healthcare and he knows a lot about the peak have accreditation audits. So if you are in the compounding world definitely listen to those guys and then there's a couple of other podcasts that I want to mention, one that you may or may not have heard of is Core Consult RX. Mike does a fantastic job, doing some case studies and I'll talk about Helix Talk in a minute but if you are in residency interview mode I would definitely listen to how Mike and Coll sit down and talk about the COPD case, how they talk about hypertension guidelines in that first episode, really some great clinical knowledge there and then I know Mike has contest going on Instagram. I just got back on Insta so, I have you know almost 10,000 YouTube followers, 7,000 Twitter followers but I might have you know two or three hundred on Instagram at my Tony PharmD-1. So but check out Core Consult RX on Instagram, that promotion I think only goes another day. The Talk to Your Pharmacist Podcast, Hillary Blackburn had a guest from the United States Air Force who was a pharmacist and obviously serving her country but she has a really great story as well. And helix talked that they're going to be dropping a new episode I expect in the next couple days but they had recently drop it like it's hot pressin and the 2017 VA DOD, PTSD guidelines. If you're studying for Naplex and you're, you know, ahead on that, I know many of you won't study until after you know you're getting residency or job and all these things but I definitely recommend at least checking out a couple episodes from Helix Talk out of the Rosalind Franklin College of Pharmacy up there in Chicago.

I think I covered all of them. We and a bunch of us were recently in an article from about the I think the title was the most relatable pharmacy podcast to download and Pharmacy Podcast, Pharmacy Leaders, Pharmacy Inspection, Talk to Your Pharmacist and Helix Talk made the top five on that list.

So again, I hope you guys have a great week and again I'm always looking for podcast episodes not just interview but if you are doing something like, maybe you're going to a, we just had our legislative day downtown in Iowa so if you're going to a legislative day and want to interview someone, if you want to interview residency site and, you know, talk about your residency site and why it would be the best one for students. Anything like that, anything that's an interview, that has to do with leadership, that has to do with entrepreneurship, I'm happy to publish the episodes as long as it's more of a nonprofit type of thing or maybe you're a micropreneur and you've just got this really cool thing, it's like fifteen or twenty bucks or something like that and you can do something like that. So again I really want to make the Pharmacy Leaders Podcast a community of leaders in my spare time obviously with a new Facebook. The way Facebook works for businesses, you would want to create a group rather than what I have which is Memorizing Pharmacology is, it's a education site and kind of a portal but it would probably be better for me to have a group and maybe where somewhere I'll be able to put that together.

So again if you have any questions, comments I'm always happy to hear from you. Usually the easiest way to get in touch with me is on Facebook through messenger at Tony PharmD-1 but I also encourage you to check out some of the non audio sources that are really really doing a great job and that's Brandon Dyson at TLDR pharmacy, and then of course Core Consult RX, evidence-based medicine reviews, all those guys are doing a great job of providing fantastic free information for you guys and for those that are making it through pharmacy school and moving towards things like BCPS. Hey, have a great weekend and we'll hear from Jackie Boyle tomorrow Monday, January 29th.

Support for this episode comes from the audio book Memorizing Pharmacology. A relaxed approach with over 9,000 sales in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, it's the go-to resource to ease the pharmacology challenge. Available on Audible, iTunes and in print eBook and audio book. Thank you for listening to the Pharmacy Leaders Podcast with your host Tony Guerra. Be sure to share the show with the hash tag hash pharmacy leaders.