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Pharmacy Residency Podcast

Sep 27, 2022

I'm going to go over an in-depth analysis into the state of Iowa's residencies and my premise is that you can learn a lot from a residency by the alma maters of its residencies. While there is an expectation for meritocracy and opportunity for all, there is a huge difference between college admissions where you are...

Sep 25, 2022

In many ways, the first part of the residency application process is about not getting rejected a little more than getting accepted, so in this section I give a rundown of the biggest mistake students make in trying to save some time. 

Sep 18, 2022

I've got a limited number of free audiobook codes for pharmacy residency podcast listeners which you can listen to a free 5 minute sample here:

and get the free code here:

Sep 14, 2022

I wanted to give you a preview of the book Brandon Dyson from and I wrote with a Top 100 questions list for residency interviews. You can find the audiobook preview here. We will be including 100 video questions in the Rock Star Interview course as well that you can find...

Sep 10, 2022

Student loan forgiveness is here, most likely, but the real concern is what to do when the pause comes. Will pharmacists re-enter the job market making it harder for new graduates as they realize they need more money to pay off their loans? Check out this book on pharmacist jobs that could help you find a unique job...