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Pharmacy Residency Podcast

Apr 10, 2020

This is a video podcast episode that you can also find on my TonyPharmD YouTube channel. Here's the link to the documents I used.


Jul 10, 2019

An inpatient Midwest hospital pharmacist applicant was recently offered $25 an hour and with rural hospitals offering $50 an hour, it brings up an important question. If salary were not an issue, would you do residency instead of getting a full-time position right out of school? In this episode, I talk about what I...

May 8, 2019

Mike Case Haub is hiring pharmacy interns for remote work, you can check out the details at Today, Kristen Butler, a Drake P3 took over the podcast today to interview Katie Vollmer, a P2 student at Drake who travels internationally. She takes advantage of every opportunity to learn...

Apr 29, 2019

Are you a burned out pharmacist? Kristine Mason and Shannon Kraus from the Ohio State University Post Graduate Administrative residency program address burnout in the hospital environment in this episode and will follow up with research in the community in the next episode. I think the lessons from both episodes will...

Feb 27, 2019

Caroline Jones, a Drake COP P1 who has been doing research for almost 2 years, interviews her professors, a PharmD and Ph.D. researcher and we see how you can get into research early in your pharmacy career. Dr. Lynn Kassel is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice in Acute Care in the Department of...